What is it?
The Litelarry Quote Challenge is an H/L fic challenge where the only prompt is a quote from a book or a poem.
What do we need?
Prompts and participants!
For prompts:You can submit them via our email litelarrychallenge@gmail.com or our ask boxbeginning today, August 8th until August 31st. Send us your prompts early so we can compile a list before sign-ups begin (and don’t forget to cite the work you’re quoting, please)!
For authors, please remember the following dates:Prompt submissions - August 8 - 31, 2017
Sign-ups - September 1 - 30, 2017
Distribution of prompts - October 1 - 10, 2017
First Check-in - November 15, 2017
Submission of work - December 15, 2017
Posting begins - December 20, 2017
For betas, Britpickers, and pinch hitters: sign-ups are from September 1 - 30, 2017How does it work?
After we’ve compiled the list, each quote will be assigned a number at random. During sign-ups, participants will pick three numbers. The mods will then e-mail you the three prompts you may choose from.
Does that mean multiple authors can be writing a fic based on the same prompt?
Yup! With quotes, there’s a lot of room to be creative, so the exact same prompt could lead to tons of different plot lines! We’re so excited to see what everyone comes up with!Does the author have to use the quote in their fic?
Nope! The quote just serves as inspiration. Whether or not you want to use it as dialogue or part of the fic is entirely up to you.
A few rules:
1. H/L should be the main pairing, but all side pairings are welcome.
2. Quotes/prompts should be limited to book quotes or lines of poetry.
3. Minimum word count is 3,000. Please have at least 2,000 words or 80% by the first check-in, if not, a pinch hitter will be assigned to your prompt.
4. Please have your works beta-ed and Britpicked as necessary before submission.
Have any questions?
Please feel free to e-mail us! :) Also, please follow the page for updates. Thank you!
Sign-ups are open!
Sign up here.
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